Saturday, September 18, 2010 | By: Nikhil Shirodkar

A Ray Of Hope

All of us might face some or the other troubles in our life...well i believe that mos of da troubles v face have mostly two root causes.... studies or least that's what i feel...under such times it's best to forget everything and hope for the best...this poem describes my views on all such thoughts...

Life can be full of grim dispair,
Darknes fills in n you have to grope,
But dont give up,not at all now,
Because sooner or later there will be a ray of hope...

I knw u hav been shattered 2 pieces,
The love of your life is away n gone,
You have lost all desires to rise up,
And now no emotions are to be born...

I know you had put a real effort,
You try 2 finish d moduls at any rate,
But results can never come as expected,
N u sit n curse your own fate...

You don't know wht life mite hold for you,
Your life descends in a bottomless gloom,
You end up in a maze with dead ends,
And you can actually see your distant doom...

But u gotta rise from d ashes,
Though there is no hope in sight,
For now yor darkest nightmares are over,
Now you wil hav to get up,get up and fight...

Jus give hope another chance,
For this is your life and your heart,
Open your eyes,breath d fresh air,
Its time to make a brand new start...

C'mon now,open up your wings.
it's time to for you to conquer d skies,
u hav seen too many cowards, u hav felt so much pain,
but now there wil be no more goodbyes...

Dun think abt d future,it c'nt b predictd,
Just live in the present and refuse 2 mope,
Your path mite be steep, mite b hard 2 climb,
But around the bend there wil surely be a ray of hope...


Kitty said...

In this poem, I didn't find any sadness..n actually felt a ray of hope ! very well done ! :)

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