Wednesday, September 29, 2010 | By: Nikhil Shirodkar

Things before goodbyes...

This is a kind of a special poem...i dunno what made me write when i read it i certainly c'nt imagine from where on earth i could get the's kind of different...wel it's like what will happen if i m not aable to complete my life...what will be my thoughts...what things will be left undone and incomplete...i mean death c'nt be predicted at all...and i certainly want to live more for sure...but still i liked the idea and thought i should write about it...cuz it's like those times when thoughts start bombarding your brain and u are left with no other option then to pen them down...

hope i'l become an angel only...:D
What has happened...?
why does it feel like night today?
What is going on??
And why is the world looking so gray..??

But it c'nt be over so early,
There are so many things left undone,
My life had jus started,
For i could barely see the sun...

I had so much work to do,
And clear the things that were there,
For i had to face so much,
Nothing in me wanted more to bear...

Then there were people to meet,
And new friends to make,
So much more to gain,
So much more to take...

There were more movies for me to watch,
More picnics were left to make,
And a bundle of feelings,
Waitin for some heart which is not at all fake...

I wanted to roam more places,
There were more buses to catch,
More pics to click,
N so many chicks to match...

There were things 2 be told,
And more secrets to be shared,
More things to talk about,
With the people who i think really cared...

Ofcourse i can see all of them now,
But now it's too late,
I wish all was done before,
Before the curtains fell on the play of fate...

I hear a voice calling me now,
Tears of dispair roll down my eyes,
I wish i had a little more time,
Maybe jus enough to say some goodbyes...
Tuesday, September 28, 2010 | By: Nikhil Shirodkar

We'l Meet....

This one is dedicated for that special someone whom i haven't met yet...whom i think i'l meet one day... :)

My smile has never been real,
My heart is always skipping a beat,
My eyes are always so moist,
It will remain until i know we'l meet...

The stars are a lot dimmer,
And nothing is shining so bright,
My nights are more and more colder,
And the days stretch on without any light...

The birds are not flying so high now,
And the trees are not so tall,
I can't understand why the world is so confusing,
Even the rain is refusing to fall...

My mind is always so empty,
My thoughts are wasted and gone,
And my heart is always so sick,
With no feelings that are to be born...

Without you in my life,
I will always be afraid of the dark,
My paths will be so cold and lonely,
And the destiny will never make its mark...

My heart is tired of waiting for you,
But i know one day you will come to me,
Till then my seconds are passing on like hours,
And the hours are stretching to eternity...

We might be far away and unknown to each other now,
Our fates have not yet been lit,
But one day i might show you this poem of mine,
The day will come, i know we'l meet..

I Wish...

Quite a simple poem...right from my heart....

When evrything is turning against You,
Your destiny hangs in empty space,
The world is imposible to live in,
The nightmares are so hard to face...

In such moments i wish there was a someone,
On whose shoulder i could have cried all day,
Could have got a hug when i needed one,
And who would have undrstood me before i had anything to say...


I wish there was a sumone,
In whos eyes i could get lost everytime they looked at me,
Whose dazzling smile would jus make my day,
And whose consoling voice would be as calm as the sea...

Someone with whom i could sit up all nite,
jus gazing at the twinkling stars from the sky,
With whom i could have enjoyed each sunset,
And the raindrops from every cloud passing by...

Someone without whom life would get unreal,
And each storm would be difficult to face,
Without whom every ocean would be too big 2 cross,
And the sucess would be imposible to chase...

Someone who could so understanding and perfect,
The perfect one for this withered soul,
who could be the silver lining of the cloud,
For this life has a sad unhealed hole...

I wish there was a Someone,
I pray and wait for the wish to come true one day,
And i know u are also waiting jus for me,
I promise i'l find u,whatever the world has to say...
Saturday, September 18, 2010 | By: Nikhil Shirodkar

A Ray Of Hope

All of us might face some or the other troubles in our life...well i believe that mos of da troubles v face have mostly two root causes.... studies or least that's what i feel...under such times it's best to forget everything and hope for the best...this poem describes my views on all such thoughts...

Life can be full of grim dispair,
Darknes fills in n you have to grope,
But dont give up,not at all now,
Because sooner or later there will be a ray of hope...

I knw u hav been shattered 2 pieces,
The love of your life is away n gone,
You have lost all desires to rise up,
And now no emotions are to be born...

I know you had put a real effort,
You try 2 finish d moduls at any rate,
But results can never come as expected,
N u sit n curse your own fate...

You don't know wht life mite hold for you,
Your life descends in a bottomless gloom,
You end up in a maze with dead ends,
And you can actually see your distant doom...

But u gotta rise from d ashes,
Though there is no hope in sight,
For now yor darkest nightmares are over,
Now you wil hav to get up,get up and fight...

Jus give hope another chance,
For this is your life and your heart,
Open your eyes,breath d fresh air,
Its time to make a brand new start...

C'mon now,open up your wings.
it's time to for you to conquer d skies,
u hav seen too many cowards, u hav felt so much pain,
but now there wil be no more goodbyes...

Dun think abt d future,it c'nt b predictd,
Just live in the present and refuse 2 mope,
Your path mite be steep, mite b hard 2 climb,
But around the bend there wil surely be a ray of hope...

Jus too weird....

Well this is d third poem i wrote...wel it's abt some of the weirdest incidents or people i have come across in my life...or rather why not say..."college life" no names are mentioned...but ya'l will ceratainly get atleast some of the the lines n what or who they are about...but if ya'l don''s atleast worth a think that everything IS true...:)

College is a place where friendships are made,
And there are things 2 be feared,
But there are some things i wanna tell,
Some things that are jus too weird...

It's d best place on earth,
Where most of the gossip is born,
There are so many types of people here,
And so many things goin on...

Life gets really tragic when,
2 souls mite fall for the same lass,
And more difficult it becomes for us,
When 1 fellow talks with her the whole day, and the other lets out d pain that he has...

So next day he tries to impress her,
He gets her all the notes he has got,
But the gal jus replies frankly,
'i hav already cleared al those subjcts...but thanx a lott'...

Then there is a cunning fellow,
His name i wont reveal at al,
He is always with this one gal,
The cutest couple they make aftrall...

"V r jus 'best friends' re...",
Says he, wid his eyes darting,
But u can get the truth behind dese eyes,
When togther they go go-karting...

And then there is the romantic guy,
his 'serious' crushes have always grown,
If u want 2 get the exact no of them,
jus count the semesters he has known...

Bt there are some people who jus want 2 grab attention,
N luv 2 talk really loud,
U bettr run away before they get to you,
C'nt imagine what makes them so proud...

But if u come to our college,
U will surely meet this guy we never chose,
He will always come 2 shake your hand,
Right after diggin his big fat nose...

Such are some of the people here,
Though there is nothing to be feared,
Some things jus need stime to get used 2,
Since they are jus too weird...
Monday, September 6, 2010 | By: Nikhil Shirodkar

A Story Unfinished...

Well this poem about a story i had in my mind all the time...i always wanted to pen it down someday...and so i did it now...but 'time' is a commodity which is available to us in limited amounts...well m not a big 'time-management' expert so maybe that's why this one has not been ended still lies unfinished...waiting to be completed...

I always wanted to write this story,
It was always there in my mind,
But something prevented me from getting to it,
I never seem to gt enough rhyme...

Some stories are touching and great,
Some are just boring and bad,
Well this one is about a boy,
For whom not a tear was shed...

The boy was really simple,
had lots of fun and was content,
He thought nothing ever will effect his life,

And he would never have anything to resent...

But it all began in college,
Where life took him for a roller coaster ride,
he met the most beautiful girl ever,
he thought she could be the love of his life...

Her face was like d moon without any marks,
Her eyes shone like the morning dew,
Her voice was enchanting as ever,
 And with every second her beauty grew...

He really liked to talk with her,
But it always used to go really bad,
He never knew what he was talking,
With the powers that she had...

He had not fallen in love with her,
Must have been just a crush,
but he had got many years to wait,
And there was nothing to rush...

Sometimes he thought even she liked him,
he wanted to know if it was right,
and sometimes he tried to glance in her eyes,
Hoping that there was some love in sight...

She seemed to become really good friend of his,
More and more his feelings grew,
And when he fell in love with her,
Poor fellow never knew...

But somethings are not supposed to happen,
Somethings end up just that way,
And fate played tricks with him again,
And he ended up stranded so far away...

He always wanted more from her,
More than she were willing to give,
But now they went separate ways,
each with different lives to live...

The boy was left all alone,
And thus ended d duel,
Sometimes he just wondered,
How his destiny could be so cruel...??

So the story ends up right here,
I know a sad tale i have let,
not all stories have a happy ending,
But this one is not over yet....
Sunday, September 5, 2010 | By: Nikhil Shirodkar

A Journey...From Nowhere To Somewhere....

Well this one will always be very special to's d first one i ever's was like d 'vent' needed by my brain was given to it...n the thoughts came out like the gas escaping from a pressurized cylinder...

It was an endless ocean,
The nite ws dark and d moon ws high,
I ws in my creaky lil' boat,
But i could'nt see anyone whom i knew nearby...

I was doomed 2 cros dis,
until i find sumting in my way,
I hd enough 2 eat,
Bt could'nt remembr how i ended up so much away...

Sumtin had happnd,
Sumtin not new,
I had 2 pay a price,
But d way whch i nevr knew...

I stressed my brain,
den remembrd i was in a big ship,
With so much peopl,
With so much fun n frolic...

I den remembrd,
I used 2 b nice 2 all,
I used 2 enjoy my time,
I was stupid thinkin that it wont end at all...

Amongst so many peopl,
Der was sum1 fr whose attention i alwys crave,
Spendin so much tym wid her,
Tryin 2 hold my nervs n b brav...

Whn i ws confident enuf,
I wantd 2 ask her out,
But i ws so much afraid,
Der was so much doubt...

But it nevr meant 2 b,
D answr ws alwys no,
Without askin her,
I sumhw came 2 know...

But der usd 2 b so much goin on,
Just 2 occupy my mind wid odr things,
Der were so many ships around us,
So many people 2 meet...

I had so many mates,
sailining odr ships around,
V usd 2 meet talk n laugh al d tym,
N new happiness ws found...

But d people frm my own ship,
I cherisd d most,
I thot in dm i hd found frns fr lyf,
Bt whch ws nt true ofcourse...

Der used 2 b a terribl storm,
Whch used 2 cum twice evry year,
V usd 2 b preparing fr it al d tym,
Workin hard 2 prevent wht v fear...

Evn i ws preparin,
Bt dis tym i ws les frightened,
Cuz i cud get al help i needed frm odrs,
I thot our bonds were more tightened...

I had 2 prepare more then d others,
For i had more 2 fear,
I tried 2 do my best,
Bt sensd my end ws near...

but i had confidence to face it now,
n my shipmates were so dear to me,
our bonds should last forevr,
bt alas i never knew dey din think lik me...

and on came d mighty storm,
stronger den ever before,
it's might ws more den evr,
n my hands were so much sore...

it ws too much for me,
d storm ws lasting so long,
i knew i had to leave 'my' ship,
to which i thought i never belonged...

i suddenly came back to reality,
d flashbacks were al gone,
i knew i had to reach sumwhr far far away,
but i had to travel al alone...

I lukd back at my ship,
Fr my boat ws too weak to last,
It needed sum support,
Bt i din knw whom 2 ask...

I waved at my shipmates,
For i thot they had cared,
I thot dey knew wht ws most needed by me,
but With no hope i stared...

I lukd at d odr side of d horizon,
Wher no ships nutin cud be seen,
I knew i hd 2 trevel al alone,
n this is how it mus hav been...

I tuk out my oars,
N rowed away frm al,
I ws sad angry n frightened al at d same time,
Bt i wont giv up not at al...

I woke up wid a start,
Bt i ws oly in my cozy bed,
It ws oly a dream i thot,
Bt din know where it led...

D dream was so far away from d reality,
There were no skies dark no oceans blue,
I knew i was d luckiest of all to have 400+ friends in my list,
Or was it so true....???

well it's only a poem i guess...but whatever it is it will always remain close to my heart....